2020 Conference – 2020 Vision: Seeing more queerly

Breaking false binaries in gender and sexuality

Our online conference took place on October 17th 2020.

We hosted the event as a free Zoom meeting – and we have made some of the sessions available on YouTube.

Meet the presenters

We are pleased to have keynote speakes and breakout group leaders – some of whom are making return visits to Gathering Voices.

Keynote presenters

  • Breaking binaries in our bodies
    Lu Skerratt
    View on YouTube
    In this first part of the keynote, Lu considers how to be intentional with “our queer bodies”.
  • Breaking binaries in the body of Christ
    Lu Skerratt
    View on YouTube
    In this second part of Lu’s keynote talk, Lu considers how the incarnational and resurrectional body of Christ are a source of hope.
  • Current legal issues for trans and other gender diverse people
    Grey Collier
    View on YouTube
    What are the current legal issues in the UK for trans and other gender diverse people?
    Why should trans people to be able to “self-ID” in many contexts but have to undergo a complex bureaucratic process for gender recognition? What are the implications of the recent government response to the Gender Recognition Act ?
    In this talk, Grey Collier (advocacy director for Liberty, https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/) discusses some of the issues facing trans and gender diverse people in the United Kingdom.
    Find out more at www.consortium.lgbt/togethercampaign or search #TogetherWithTrans

Breakout groups

We did not record the breakout group sessions, but we asked people to give a summary of the group discussion afterwards.

Panel discussion

Chris Whitney-Cooper chaired a panel discussion with Alex, Chris D, Jide, Lu, and Tina.

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Liturgy and worship

You can view the liturgy we used during our worship time.



Pre-conference panel discussion

To start unpacking our thinking on the topic, we were delighted to be joined by Alex Clare-YoungRachel Mann, and Jide Macaulay for a panel discussion to address some key questions:

  • What do we mean, and why do we need to see more queerly?
  • What does breaking false binaries mean?
  • What impact will seeing more queerly have on our Christian experiences?
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 View transcript

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