Savi Hensman

Savitri (Savi) Hensman (she/her) was born in Sri Lanka, lives in London and has long been active in LGBT+ and other movements for equality and inclusion in church and society and on human rights in South Asia. She is Anglican, lesbian, a writer and also coordinates involvement in health and…

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Gerard Swan

Gerard Swan [he/him] is chair of Quest He has been an active member of Quest since 1995, working both locally and nationally, and has held several points including National Secretary, and Deputy Chair, he has been Chair for the last two years. Gerard writes: I think that we live in…

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Revd Dr Chris Dowd

Revd Dr Chris Dowd [he/him] grew up in Australia in a socially and theologically conservative community and has been chafing at theological and social straight-jackets ever since. He has co-written several books on the pastoral care of gender variant people and is currently involved in a writing project exploring the…

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Lu Skerratt

Lu Skerratt [she/they] is an Anglican involved in lay ministry at St Mark’s Church in Sheffield. They are currently studying for a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry at Durham focusing on queer priestly presence and the Eucharist as well as being a Qualitative Researcher for Church Army. Lu is a…

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Revd Alex Clare-Young

Revd Alex Clare-Young (pronous: they/them) is a trans masculine non-binary minister in the United Reformed Church and ministers mainly to an online church (Churspacious). Alex is co-chair of the Open Table Network, a member of the Creating Sanctuary Core Team and a trustee of Inclusive Church. Alex’s book Trans. Christian.…

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Luke Dowding

Luke Dowding is the Executive Director of OneBodyOneFaith. He previously worked within the advertising industry in London. Luke is a fervent campaigner and fundraiser for LGBT+ rights in Albania, and patron for Streha: the first shelter for LGBTQ+ homeless young people in the Balkans. He believes that at the core…

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Fr Julian Hollywell

Fr Julian Hollywell is a parish priest, living as Vicar of Spondon and an experienced Spiritual Director walking alongside diverse people from different contexts. Fr Julian believes “We are all created, held, and nurtured in God’s love – whatever our gender or heritage, whether we are straight or gay, regardless…

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The Very Revd David Monteith

The Very Revd David Monteith has been Dean of Leicester since 2013 and had the lead role in the Diocese for interring the remains of Richard III in Leicester Cathedral in March 2015. Originally from Enniskillen in Northern Ireland, David has previously served Birmingham and London, including at St Martin-in-the-Fields.…

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Dr Carol Shepherd

Dr Carol Shepherd is a Sociology Lecturer at Andover College and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Winchester, UK. Carol has done much research on the perception that bisexual Christians have on their selves and their sexuality, and frequently speaks on issues relating to bisexuality, Christianity, and mental health…

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Jade Irwin

Jade Irwin is National Director of Diverse Church (DC). She has a wide experience of working in religious and non-religious youthwork settings as a Youth and Family worker in Belfast. Prior to becoming National Director, she led sessions on DC National Meet Up Days, and been involved with leading the…

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