Revd Dr Chris Dowd

Revd Dr Chris Dowd [he/him] grew up in Australia in a socially and theologically conservative community and has been chafing at theological and social straight-jackets ever since. He has co-written several books on the pastoral care of gender variant people and is currently involved in a writing project exploring the…

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Lu Skerratt

Lu Skerratt [she/they] is an Anglican involved in lay ministry at St Mark’s Church in Sheffield. They are currently studying for a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry at Durham focusing on queer priestly presence and the Eucharist as well as being a Qualitative Researcher for Church Army. Lu is a…

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Videos: 2020 – Seeing more queerly

These are videos for our 2020 conference that is an online event Note that we only video keynote sessions and not workshops. Panel discussion – what does ‘seeing more queerly’ mean? With guest panellelists: Alex Clare-Young Jide Macaulay Rachel Mann.  View transcript Go to Gathering Voices on YouTube

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Revd Alex Clare-Young

Revd Alex Clare-Young (pronous: they/them) is a trans masculine non-binary minister in the United Reformed Church and ministers mainly to an online church (Churspacious). Alex is co-chair of the Open Table Network, a member of the Creating Sanctuary Core Team and a trustee of Inclusive Church. Alex’s book Trans. Christian.…

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Grey Collier

Grey Collier [they/them] is Advocacy Director at the human rights organisation Liberty, where they leas several teams that work together to protect rights and hold the powerful to account. Prior to joining Liberty, Grey was Legal Director at the Equality & Human Rights Commission. She has specialised in human rights,…

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