Gerard Swan [he/him] is chair of Quest
He has been an active member of Quest since 1995, working both locally and nationally, and has held several points including National Secretary, and Deputy Chair, he has been Chair for the last two years.
Gerard writes:
I think that we live in exciting times as LGBTQIA+ people both within the church and within society. I do what I do because I believe that as people of faith our place at the Table, gifted at Baptism, isn’t yet fully recognised when we cross the threshold of many ‘church’ buildings and other spaces into which Christ invites us. In some places we are blocked or actively discouraged and the gifts we offer, the parts God asks us to play, are rejected. Quest and our faith-based partners continue to have a role supporting LGBTQIA+ people to integrate faith with the expression of their God given identities and to take their place at the Table. As organisations advocating for those we serve, we also have a responsibility to work with and support those who reject us, offering opportunities to listen to our stories and to join us at the Table in the fullness of our shared Baptism. We break bread together.